Summer Skin Tips

Well, summer is finally here and it came FAST. It is CRUCIAL to change up your skincare with the seasons the same way you change your workouts, nutrition, sleep habits or hair products depending on the season.

Your skin is alive and needs to have adjustments every few months. For example, in the winter we add moisture, and in the summer we can switch to less moisture and more hydration.

Here are a few tips for any skin type to help stay hydrated with minimal sun damage this summer season!

1- WEAR YOUR SPF and reapply every 2 hours. For days you are at the pool or beach be sure to look for water resistant spa and reapply after each dunk!

2- NO at home peels or intensive resurfacing treatments. Spas won’t and shouldn’t offer intense treatments like this anyway during the summer, but PLEASE do no DIY from a dangerous amazon purchase!

3- STAY HYDRATED. This means drink your water and electrolytes and apply them topically. Algae and hyaluronic acid based serums are fantastic (beware of shellfish allergies for algae!)

4-Keep up with your vitamin c in the morning and add in a tyrosinase inhibitor like mandolin acid to stay bright and keep your melanocytes protected from UV ray damage!

5- Switch to a water based moisturizer! Less oil means less breakouts in the summer heat!

6-keep your hair up and out of your face. Sweat and hair products can cause breakouts!


Transitioning into Fall: Skincare edition


Winter Skin Tips